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A Flight of Bluebirds
by Russell Smith
Jasta 15 had one of the most unusual histories of the Jasta squadrons. After assuming command of JGII in March, 1918, Hptm Rudolph Berthold tried to have his old unit, Jasta 18, attached to JGII. After failing to do so,...
A Time for Heroes
by Robert Taylor
In this masterful painting, Robert Taylor pays tribute to the WWII fighter aircrews of the RAF and Fleet Air Arm. A panoramic scene from the era of the Battle of Britain shows Mk I Spitfires of 234 Squadron, 10 Group's...
Aces On The Western Front
by Robert Taylor
The ancient Norman monastery on Mont St. Michel provides the majestic backdrop as a group of Me109s race across the coast returning to their forward base in northern France after a fighter sweep across the English Channel in early 1941....
Advance Into Europe
by Nicolas Trudgian
The northern European nights are short in mid-summer, the sky to the east showing the first pale shades of dawn even before 3:00 a.m. On a normal June morning the pilots of Hub Zemke's 56th Fighter Group would have slumbered...
Air Apaches On The Warpath
by Robert Taylor
The date is February 16, 1944. Intelligence has reported enemy shipping in the region of New Hanover, a large island west of New Ireland, and 41 strafers from the 345th have joined three squadrons of the 38th Bomb Group to...
America Strikes Back
by Robert Taylor
The very first air combat fought by American pilots following the surprise attack upon Pearl Harbor. In less than one hour America struck back in a war that was to end in total victory. As the assault mounted on the...
American Beauty
by Jay Ashurst
Among the thousands of American aviators who launched from England on February 20, 1944, the first day of historic "Big Week," was William Lawley. Lawley was a quiet southerner from Leeds, Alabama. Flying a newly painted B-17 as a member...
Among The Columns Of Thor
by William Phillips
Among the Columns of Thor has a double meaning to it. In Norse mythology, Thor is the god of thunder and war. These B-24 bombers from the 409th Bomb Squadron, 93rd Bomb Group, are in column formation, literally flying among...
Angels From Above
by Matt Hall
September 17, 1944 . . . In sun-swept skies, the C-47s of 9th Troop Carrier Command deliver their fighting cargo, the paratroopers of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions above Holland’s soft drop zones. Deemed “Operation Market Garden,” the finest...
Arctic Encounter
by Robert Bailey
July 5th.1942.Oberst Hajo Herrman,leading his combat group K.G. 30,attacks an allied merchantman in the Barents Sea in his Ju-88.During this attack,five ships received direst hits and others were damaged.Among the arctic convoys,PQ-17 was the most tragic,being nearly decimated by the...
Assault On The Capital
by Robert Taylor
Robert Taylor's final painting in his 60th Anniversary trilogy features a scene from the attacks on the afternoon of September 7, 1940. Led by Herbert Ihlefeld, Me109E's of II/JG2 dive through the bomber formation giving chase to Hurricanes of 242...
Attack On The Hiei
by Robert Taylor
Marine Ace Captain Joe Foss leads a flight of eight F4F Wildcats of VMF121, based at Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, in a diversionary attack on the Imperial Japanese battlecruiser Hiei north of Savo Island, Friday November 13, 1942. In the distance...
Band Of Brothers
by Robert Taylor
The mighty Lancaster, the mainstay of RAF Bomber Command, crewed by volunteers from Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Rhodesia, South Africa, and many other nations opposed to Nazi rule, flew day and night sorties whenever there was a chance of...
Battle Line
by Philip West
On the 6th June 1944 the invasion of Normandy commenced. The RAF was, of course, a major combatant and formed part of a dedicated Allied force tasked with freeing Europe. VE Day finally signalled the end of hostilities on the...
Before The Storm
by Robert Taylor
The Me110G of Oberleutnant Martin DREWES, Gruppenkommandeur of III/NJG1, as he prepares to make an attack on a formation of RAF heavy Bombers as they penetrate deep into occupied Europe, March 1944. It was during this month that Bomber Command...
Bismarck Into Battle
by Mark Postlethwaite
As Bismarck leaves Grimstadfjord in Norway, she is escorted by Messerschmitt Bf-110’s of II/ZG 76 based at nearby Herdla. The time is 19.45 hours on 21 May 1941 and the scene is one of tranquility before the battle commences. During...
Black Sheep at Munda
by Jim Laurier
On Sept 7, 1943,VMF-214 officially began it's first combat tour at Munda, on the island of New Georgia (shown above). Munda was an inhospitable place- hot, humid, barren from shelling, and for a time, smelled of the aftermath of battle...
By The Dawn’s Early Light
by John Shaw
Commemorating the AVG raid at Chiang Mai, Thailand on March 24, 1942. A small group of Claire Chennault’s famed AVG embarked on an extremely hazardous early-morning raid against the Southeast Asian headquarters of the Japanese Air Force at Chiang Mai....
Canberras Over Cambridgeshire
by Robert Taylor
Undeterred by 'Friday 13th', Wing Commander Beamont took off that day in May 1949, in the Canberra prototype. So accomplished was this new jet bomber that by the end of the 1950's, no fewer than 41 RAF Squadrons were equipped...
Caught On The Surface
by Robert Taylor
The Battle of the Atlantic was fought by the Royal Navy and RAF Coastal Command against the U-boats. It was a long, deadly struggle in which Hitler’s prized U-boat fleet attempted to starve Britain of food, fuel and the materials...
Closing The Gap
by Robert Taylor
Typhoon Mk1b fighter-bombers of 247 Squadron exit the target area near Falaise at full throttle, wreaking devastation with their powerful rockets as fuel and ammunition from the retreating German column explode with shattering force. The Typhoons will hurtle back to...
Coastal Conflict
by Robert Bailey
In the annals of air combat history, stretching from WWI to WWII, no definitive sacrifice and hardship is clearer than that of the Polish and Czech airmen who served in air forces of other countries. Displaced by the German juggernaut...
Combat Over New Guinea
by Nicolas Trudgian
Australian Ace Dick Cresswell tangles with a Japanese Zero in the humid air of the tropics over New Guinea during an encounter in 1942. Flying a P-40E Kittyhawk with the insignia of 77 Squadron, RAAF blazoned on his aircraft, Cresswell...
Combat Over The Reich
by Robert Taylor
Approaching their target at the oil refinery at Zwickau, 60 miles south west of Dresden, the 452nd Bomb Group's B-17 Fortresses were bounced by 28 Me262 jets from JG 7. Screaming in from the six o/clock position, the jet pilots...
Coming In Over The Estuary
by Robert Taylor
In Robert Taylor's panoramic painting, P-38J Lightnings of the 364th Fighter Group return from a strafing mission over France in the summer of 1944. Making their land-fall at just 100 feet, they skim across an estuary on England's south coast,...
Company Of Heroes
by Robert Taylor
The drama of B-17s of the 34th Bomb Group returning from a raid in the final weeks of the war is skilfully portrayed against one of Robert Taylor’s equally dramatic English skies. In a painting packed with atmosphere and highly...
D Day Armada
by Nicolas Trudgian
As the sun begins to sink on the late afternoon of D-Day Plus 1, a mighty Allied aerial armada heads inland over the Normandy invasion beaches, 7th June 1944. In the company of P51s of the 354th Fighter Group, B26...
D Day Normandy Landings
by Robert Taylor
On 6 June 1944 no fewer than 4000 ships landed 133,000 assault troops on the beaches of Normandy. A further 23,000 parachuted in, whilst Allied aircraft flew 14,000 sorties on that historic day. By the end of August 200,000 seamen...
D Day The Airborne Assault
by Robert Taylor
This superb three print set which includes the companion prints INTO BATTLE and CRASH LANDING, was issued in June 1994 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of D-Day and was hailed by veterans as one of the most realistic portrayals of...
Dambusters – Breaching the Eder Dam
by Robert Taylor
Lancaster AJ-N scores a direct hit on the Eder Dam with its bouncing bomb during the famous Dambusters raid on the night of 16/17 May 1943. Pilot Officer Les Knight and Flight Engineer Ray Grayston fight the controls to clear...
Dambusters – The Impossible Mission
by Robert Taylor
“Dinghy” Young releases his hydrostatically-triggered, cylindrical bouncing bomb at precisely 60ft and 230mph as he approaches the Mőhne Dam. It was a direct hit. The dam has but moments to live. Robert Taylor has once again chosen to depict one...
Dawn Operations
by Robert Taylor
Robert Taylor's limited edition Dawn Operations captures a typical Pacific wartime scene during one of those few tranquil moments when conflict seems a million miles away. As dawn breaks over the naval base on the Shortland Islands, off the southern...
Dawn the World Forever Changed
by William S. Phillips
At 3 PM, on August 4, 1945, Colonel Paul Tibbets began briefing the crew of the B-29 named Enola Gay. In the early morning hours of August 5, the crew made its final preparations. At midnight there was a final...
Day Of The Fighters
by Nicolas Trudgian
Fw190s of I./JG-1 returning after intercepting USAAF bombers making their way home from the Schweinfurt Raid, August 17th, 1943. A B-17, downed on the outward leg of the raid has survived a crash-landing in the Dutch marshes below. The Signatures...
Desert Hawks
by Robert Taylor
A flight of Kittyhawks of No. 3 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force on a strike mission over the North African Desert in January 1942, in the build-p to the Battle of Alamein. No. 3 Squadron RAAF was the first in...
Desert Sharks
by Heinz Krebs
Desert Sharks' is a piece in a series of absolutely stunning African theatre aviation art prints by Heinz Krebs, who captures the typical mood and atmosphere of the North African theatre in World War II like no other, almost with...
Desert Sharks
by Robert Taylor
With his outstanding and world-renowned talent for pencil drawing, Robert captures precisely the arid heat, dust and smoke of desert warfare, conveying an air of impending conflict. With each print signed by Squadron Leader Neville Duke, 112 fighter Ace and...
Desert Sharks And Eagles
by Nicolas Trudgian
P40 Kittyhawks of No.112 Squadron clash with Me109s of JG27 over the Libyan desert, February 1942. Led by 'Killer' Caldwell and later, Billy Drake, No.112 Squadron was in constant combat with Edu Neumann's JG27 fighters as they jousted for air-supremacy...
Desert Victory
by Nicolas Trudgian
Nicolas Trudgian's painting Desert Victory recreates all the atmosphere of the North African desert war with a stunning portrayal of the Me109s of 3./JG-27. The wing is depicted being led by Staffelkapitan Gerhard Homuth as they escort Afrikakorps armor heading...
Diamonds in the Sky
by Heinz Krebs
Adolf Galland, commanding General of all Luftwaffe fighters, and Erich Hartmann, with 352 aerial victories the ace of all fighter aces, fly their Me 109 fighters through the majestic landscape of the Alps. Both are recipients of the very rare...
Duel Of Eagles
by Robert Taylor
Released in 1980 this was one of the earliest collaborations between RAF and Luftwaffe Aces and has become one of the most popular and sought after prints in the industry. Originally released as a restricted edition of 1500 prints, what...
Eagles Out Of The Sun
by Robert Taylor
All the great Luftwaffe Aces flew the Me109. Most achieved their phenomenal aerial successes in this supreme little fighter, and it is this beautiful aircraft that Robert Taylor has chosen for this painting to pay respect to this unique band...
Eagles Over The Rhine
by Robert Taylor
The arrival of the USAAF in Europe in 1942 was a turning point in WWII. One of the aircraft that came to symbolise the accomplishments of the men and machines of the American Air Forces during this time was the...
Eagles Prey
by Robert Taylor
By August 1941 the Eagles started to receive the first of their famous Spitfires, the MkIIa, which bore the brunt of their early cross-Channel offensive sweeps over Northern France, or ‘Rhubarbs’ as they were known. The more powerful MkV Spitfire,...
En Route The Dambusters
by Anthony Saunders
Flying at altitudes as low as fifty feet, Lancasters of 617 Squadron follow the Dutch canals en-route to Germany - their target, the mighty Dams of the Ruhr - on the night of the 16 / 17 May 1943. At...
Escort Fury
by Robert Bailey
April 10th 1945. Oberleutnant Walter Schuck of JG-7 (206 victories) boldly attacked a B-17 formation southeast of Berlin and was in turn shot down by fighter escort pilot Lieutenant Joseph A. Peterburs of the 20th Fighter Group's 55th Fighter Squadron...
Fight For The Sky
by Robert Taylor
Robert Taylor's wonderfully realistic painting captures the very essence of that epic battle. A Heinkel III has been brought down, one of many never to make it home on this bright and sunny day. As the Luftwaffe bomber's crew emerge...
Fighter General
by Robert Taylor
On April 26, 1945 Adolf Galland flew his last fighter mission with the rank of General. Leading his famous JV-44 Squadron of Experts, flying the remarkable Messerschmitt Me262 jet fighter, he took off from Munich-Riem and climbed to intercept a...
Final Encounter
by Michael Turner
A rare Michael Turner print originally issued in 1995, the 50th anniversary of Peace in Europe, as a tribute to the pilots of the RAF and the Luftwaffe.This print carries 4 signatures of highly decorated WW2 pilots. Wing Commander J...
First Light Spitfire
by Philip West
Another busy start to the day at Biggin Hill in the summer of 1940. The Battle of Britain is at its height and 92 Squadron Spitfires with Geoffrey Wellum in ‘G’ for George, depart under early morning sunlight to engage...
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